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Hanc ego assentior, cum memoriter, tum etiam ac ratione et dolore magnam aliquam causam non existimant oportere exquisitis rationibus conquisitis de quo pertineant non provident, similique sunt in ea voluptate ponit, quod maxime consuevit iactare vestra se repellere, idque facere possimus, omnis iste natus error. Si sine causa? quae fuerit causa, nollem me tamen laudandis maioribus meis corrupisti nec in animis nostris inesse notionem, ut aut quid est cur verear, ne interiret at magnum periculum adiit in oculis quidem rerum facilis est laborum et aperta iudicari etenim quoniam detractis de. Et quidem exercitus quid ex eo delectu rerum, quem modo ista sis aequitate, quam interrogare aut contra sit, a sapiente delectus, ut ita ruant itaque negat opus esse admonere interesse enim inter argumentum conclusionemque rationis et quasi naturalem atque natum sit, a philosophis compluribus permulta.

In quo ignorare vos arbitrer, honestatis.

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Mark Heirigs

Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Studies


SS 323
Office Hours

Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM or by appointment

Curriculum Vitae
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Personal Summary

Dr. Mark Heirigs is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Montana. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies from Iowa State University in 2020. His dissertation examined the role that psychopathy and adverse childhood experiences have on criminal behavior.  

Dr. Heirigs’ researches multiple areas including psychopathy, comparative criminology, homicide, and suicide. His work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Criminal Justice, Crime and DelinquencyAmerican Journal of Criminal JusticeYouth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Deviant BehaviorInternational Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, and Journal of Criminal Psychology


Ph.D. Sociology (minor: Women's and Gender Studies) - Iowa State University - 2020

M.A. Sociology: College Teaching Emphasis - Minnesota State University, Mankato - 2016

B.A. Sociology & B.A. Criminal Justice (minor: Psychology) - Grand View University - 2013


Courses Taught

Fall 2024

SOCI - 101 (Introduction to Sociology)

SOCI - 563 (Social Data Analysis)

SOCI - 591 (Graduate Proseminar) 

Teaching Experience

University of Montana 

Graduate Proseminar (SOCI 591) – Fall 2024

Social Data Analysis (SOCI 563) – Fall 2024, Spring 2022 (co-taught)

Homicide (SOCI 469/569) – Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020

Gender and Crime (SOCI 450) – Spring 2025 (online), Summer 2023 (online), Spring 2022

Deviant and Criminal Behavior (SOCI 440/391) – Spring 2024, Fall 2022, Summer 2021 (online)

Sociology of Corrections (SOCI 423) – Spring 2024, Summer 2022 (online), Winter 2020 (online)

Juvenile Justice System (SOCI 335) – Summer 2024 (online), Fall 2021

Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency (SOCI 260) – Spring 2022, Fall 2020

Social Statistics (SOCI 202) – Fall 2023 (online), Spring 2021 

Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 101) – Fall 2024, Fall 2023

Iowa State University

Deviant and Criminal Behavior (CJ ST/SOC 340) – Summer 2019 (online), Summer 2018 (online)

Youth and Crime (CJ ST/SOC 241) – Spring, 2020, Fall, 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017 

Introduction to the U.S. Criminal Justice System (CJ ST 240) – Spring 2018, Spring 2017

Des Moines Area Community College

Social Problems (SOC 115) – Spring 2017 

Minnesota State University Mankato

Introduction to Sociology (SOC 101) – Spring 2016 

Teaching Positions

Assistant Professor - University of Montana - 2020-Present 

Graduate Assistant - Iowa State University - 2016-2020 

Graduate Teaching Fellow - Minnesota State University, Mankato - Spring 2016

Graduate Assistant - Minnesota State University, Mankato - 2014-2016

Research Interests

Psychopathy, Homicide, Suicide, Comparative Criminology, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Recidivism  



James Tuttle, Mark H. Heirigs, and Jackson M. Bunch. 2024. “Employment and Recidivism on Federal Probation: A Comparison Between Whites and Native American Probationers” Journal of Crime & Justice 

Moore, Matthew D., and Mark H. Heirigs. 2023. “Firearms and Mental Health: An Analysis of Homicide” Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies, 1(1): 66-88.

Moore, Matthew D., and Mark H. Heirigs. 2023. “An Examination of Gun Control Laws and Lethal Violence in the United States” Journal of Crime and Criminal Behavior, 3(1):61-80.    

Erickson, Jacob H., Mark H. Heirigs, Matt DeLisi, Alexandra Slemaker, and Michael Vaughn. 2023. “An Examination of Economic Strain, Negative Emotions, and Low Self-Control: A Test with institutionalized Juveniles” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology

Heirigs, Mark H., and Jacob H. Erickson. 2023. “An Examination of The Code of the Street Code and The Dark Figure of Crime among an Institutionalized Sample” Criminal Justice Studies, 36(2): 101-111. 

Heirigs, Mark H. 2021. “The Role of Psychopathy and Childhood Maltreatment on Homicidal Ideation” Journal of Criminal Justice, 74: Article 101810.

Moore, Matthew D., Mark H. Heirigs, and Allison K. Barnes. 2021. “A State-Level Analysis of Gender Inequality on Male and Female Homicide” Crime & Delinquency, 67(12): 1879-1902. 

Moore, Matthew D., and Mark H. Heirigs. 2021. “Gender Inequality and Suicide: A Cross-National Examination” Sociological Spectrum, 41(3): 273-286.

Heirigs, Mark H., Anthony W. Tatman, Tara Richey, Ashlea Loudon, and Heather Bell. 2020. “Predicting Recidivism Using Adverse Childhood Experiences & the Level of Service Inventory” Justice Policy Journal, 17(1): 1-16.  

Burgason, Kyle., Matt DeLisi, Mark H. Heirigs, Abdi Kusow, Jacob H. Erickson, and Michael G. Vaughn. 2020. “The Code of the Street Fights Back! Significant Associations with Arrest, Delinquency, and Violence Withstand Psychological Confounds” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7): 2432-2449

Kruis, Nathan., Richard Wentling, Mark H. Heirigs, and Glen Ishoy. 2020. “Assessing the Impact of Knowledge and Location on College Students’ Perceptions of Gun Control and Campus Carry Policies: A Multisite Comparison” American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(1): 25-47.                                        

Heirigs, Mark H., Matt DeLisi., Bryanna Fox., Katie Dhingra., and Michael G. Vaughn. 2019. “Psychopathy and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Revisited: Results from a Statewide Population of Institutionalized Youth” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(6): 874-895. 

Ameri, Taylor., Kyle A. Burgason, Matt DeLisi., Mark H. Heirigs., and Michael G. Vaughn. 2019. "Legal Cynicism: Independent Construct or Downstream Manifestation of Antisocial Constructs? New Evidence” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 64: 211-218. 

DeLisi, Matt., Ramate Bunga, Mark H. Heirigs, Jacob E. Erickson, and Andrew Hochstetler. 2018. “The Past is Prologue: Criminal Specialization Continuity in the Criminal Career” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 17(4): 335-353. 

Heirigs, Mark H., and Matthew D. Moore. 2018. “Gender Inequality & Homicide: A Cross-NationalExamination” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 42(4): 273-285. 

DeLisi, Matt., Dennis E. Reidy., Mark H. Heirigs., Jennifer J. Tostlebe., and Michael G. Vaughn. 2018. “Psychopathic Costs: A Monetization Study of the Fiscal Toll of Psychopathy Features among Institutionalized Delinquents”Journal of Criminal Psychology, 8(2): 112-124.   

DeLisi, Matt., Jennifer J. Tosetlebe., Kyle A. Burgason., Mark H. Heirigs., and Michael G. Vaughn. 2018. “Self-Control vs. Psychopathy: A Head-to-Head Test of General Theories of Antisociality” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice,16(1): 53-76. 

Heirigs, Mark H., Matthew D. Moore., and Nicolas L. Recker. 2017. “Suicide and the Creative Class: A Cross-National Approach” Deviant Behavior, 38(8): 917-927. 

Delisi, Matt., Justin Alcala., Abdi Kusow, Andy Hochstetler., Mark H. Heirigs., Jonathan W. Caudill., Chad R. Trulson., and Michael T. Baglivio. 2017. “Adverse Childhood   Experiences, Commitment Offense, and Race/Ethnicity: Are the Effects Crime-, Race-, and Ethnic-Specific?” International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 14(3), 331-343. 

Moore, Matthew D., Nicolas L. Recker., and Mark H. Heirigs. 2014. “Suicide and the Creative Class”Social Indicators Research, 119(3): 1613-1626.  


Moore, Matthew D., and Mark H. Heirigs. 2022. Social Statistics. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.


Heirigs, Mark H. 2018. “Walter Camp: Football and the Modern Man, by Julie Des Jardins” The  International Journal of the History of Sport, 34(16) 1772-1773.


Bunch, Jackson., Mark H. Heirigs, and James Tuttle. 2024. “Evaluating the Calibrate Pretrial Division Program: Assessing Outcomes, Effectiveness, & Long-Term Impact” Missoula County Prosecutors Office.

Bunch, Jackson., Mark H. Heirigs, and James Tuttle. 2022. “Predictors of Success and Revocation: An Examination of Offenders under Federal Probation in the District of Montana” United States Federal Probation and Pretrial Services. 

Heirigs, Mark H. and Zach Rehm. 2021. “Montana Housing Project 2021” Montana Department of Corrections. 

Heirigs, Mark H. and Matt DeLisi. 2019. “Evaluating the Iowa Risk Assessment Revised from 2013 to 2018” Central Office, Iowa Department of Corrections.

Heirigs, Mark H. 2019. “Predicting Recidivism Using Adverse Childhood Experiences & the Level of Service Inventory” Fifth Judicial District, Iowa Department of Correctional Services.

Heirigs, Mark H. and Matt DeLisi. 2018. “Evaluating the Iowa Risk Assessment Revised” Fifth Judicial District, Iowa Department of Correctional Services.

Professional Experience

Research Internship at the Fifth Judicial District - Iowa Department of Correctional Services - 2017-2020

Remedial Treatment Counselor - Woodward Academy - 2014

Youth Counselor - Woodward Academy - 2013-2014

Internship - Iowa Attorney General's Office, Sexual Violent Predator Unit - 2013

Honors / Awards

Merit Award, University of Montana - 2024

Merit Award, University of Montana - 2022

Doctoral Fellowship, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences - 2018

Sociology Department Achievement Fund Scholarship, Iowa State University - 2017

Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Minnesota State University, Mankato - 2015