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Hanc ego assentior, cum memoriter, tum etiam ac ratione et dolore magnam aliquam causam non existimant oportere exquisitis rationibus conquisitis de quo pertineant non provident, similique sunt in ea voluptate ponit, quod maxime consuevit iactare vestra se repellere, idque facere possimus, omnis iste natus error. Si sine causa? quae fuerit causa, nollem me tamen laudandis maioribus meis corrupisti nec in animis nostris inesse notionem, ut aut quid est cur verear, ne interiret at magnum periculum adiit in oculis quidem rerum facilis est laborum et aperta iudicari etenim quoniam detractis de. Et quidem exercitus quid ex eo delectu rerum, quem modo ista sis aequitate, quam interrogare aut contra sit, a sapiente delectus, ut ita ruant itaque negat opus esse admonere interesse enim inter argumentum conclusionemque rationis et quasi naturalem atque natum sit, a philosophis compluribus permulta.

In quo ignorare vos arbitrer, honestatis.

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Daisy Rooks



Social Sciences 313
Office Hours

On sabbatical 2024-2025 (no office hours during this time)


Curriculum Vitae
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Ph.D. Sociology. University of California – Los Angeles. December 2007.

M.A. Sociology. University of California – Los Angeles. 2001.

B.A. Urban Studies (self-designed major). Smith College. 1997. Cum Laude.

Courses Taught

On sabbatical 2024-2025

Teaching Experience

Course Instructor Experience

Assistant Professor to Professor. 2009 to present. Department of Sociology. University of Montana. Courses: Qualitative Methods (graduate), Sociology of Work, Race, Class and Gender, Inequality and Social Justice Service Learning: Hunger and Homelessness, Social Stratification, Freshman Seminar: Poverty and Homelessness in a Land of Plenty and Classical Sociological Theory.

Visiting Assistant Professor. 2008. School of Management and Labor Relations. Rutgers University. Courses: Development of the Labor Movement II, Introduction to Labor and Employment Studies, and Youth in the Workplace: Understanding Youth Labor Market Participation in the U.S.

Instructor of Record. 2003-2004. College of Letters and Science. UCLA. Courses: Service Learning Seminar and Youth at Work: Young People, Work and Labor.

Other Teaching Experience

Teaching Fellow. 2004-2005. Department of Sociology. UCLA. Courses: Development of Sociological Theory and Economy and Society.

Teaching Fellow. 2004. Institute for Labor and Employment. UCLA. Course: Labor and Workplace Studies Summer Institute.

Teaching Assistant and Associate. 2002-2004. College of Letters and Science. UCLA. Course: Work, Labor and Social Justice in the U.S.

Research Interests

Housing and homelessness, rural sociology, social movements and collective action, labor and labor movements, and sociology of education.

Field of Study

Applied social science research, qualitative methods, housing and homelessness, rural sociology, work, labor, and labor movements, and sociology of education.


Rooks, Daisy. 2018. “The Unintended Consequences of Cohorts: How Social and Romantic Relationships Can Influence the Retention of Rural Teachers Recruited by Cohort-Based Alternative Pathway Programs.” Journal of Research in Rural Education. 33(9): 1-22.

Rooks, Daisy. 2018 “Getting to No: The Need for Gender-Conscious Pedagogy in Service-Learning Courses.” Gender in the Political Science Classroom. Ekaterina Levintova and Alison Staudinger, eds. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 167-195.

Rooks, Daisy and Robert A. Penney. 2016. “Outsiders in the Union: Organizing, Consent and Union Recognition Campaigns.” Social Movement Studies. 15(5): 498-514.

Rooks, Daisy and Carolina Bank-Munoz. 2015. “Brilliant, Bored or Badly-Behaved?:  Media Coverage of the Charter School Debate in the U.S.”  Teachers College Record. 117(8): 1-48.

Rooks, Daisy and Robert A. Penney. 2015. “Becoming a ‘Pusher’: Gender and Personal Transformation during Union Recognition Campaigns.” WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society. 18(2): 187-210.

Purser, Gretchen and Daisy Rooks. 2012. “Letter from the Editors: Labor and the Political Economy of Punishment” (Introduction to the Special Issue). WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society. 15(3): 323-325.

Rooks, Daisy and Celia Winkler. 2012. “Learning Interdisciplinarity: Service Learning and the Promise of Interdisciplinary Teaching.” Teaching Sociology. 40(1): 2-20.

Rooks, Daisy. 2004. “Sticking it Out or Packing it In?: Organizer Retention in the New Labor Movement.” Pp. 195-224. Rebuilding Labor: Organizing and Organizers in the New Union Movement.  Ruth Milkman and Kim Voss editors. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Rooks, Daisy. 2003. “The Cowboy Mentality: Organizers and Occupational Commitment in the New Labor Movement.” Labor Studies Journal. 28(3): 33-62.

Milkman, Ruth and Daisy Rooks. 2003. “California Union Membership: A Turn-of-the-Century Portrait.” The State of California Labor. Berkeley: UC Press. 3: 3-37.


Works in Progress

Rooks, Daisy. “The Color of Community: New Teachers’ Experiences in ‘Majority Minority’ Rural Communities.” Preparing manuscript.

Rooks, Daisy. Home(less) on the Range: The Unique Features of Homelessness in Rural Areas and Small Towns. Preparing book manuscript.

Rooks, Daisy. “Negotiating the Rural Landscape: The Dynamics of Labor-Environmental Coalitions in Rural Areas and Small Towns.” Preparing manuscript.

Rooks, Daisy. “Making the Entrepreneurial Teacher: Teaching Accountability, Teaching Teachers.” Preparing manuscript.

Professional Experience

Professional and University Service

Student Complaint Officer and Board Member. University Faculty Association. September 2015-Present.

Co-Chair. Global Leadership Initiative Committee. University of Montana. June 2009-June 2013.

Member. Editorial Board. New Labor Forum. November 2009-Present.

Member. Service Learning Advisory Board. University of Montana. September 2010-Present.

Member. Pedagogy Project. University of Montana. September 2009-Present.

Referee. American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Community Practice, Labor Studies Journal, Mobilization, Radical Society, Sociological Focus, Sociological Forum, Teaching Sociology, Women’s Studies International Forum. 2001-Present.

Governing Council Member. Labor and Labor Movements Section. American Sociological Association. 2001-2004.

Member. American Sociological Association, Industrial Relations Research Association, Pacific Sociological Association, Phi Kappa Phi, Rural Sociological Society, Society for the Study of Social Problems, United Association for Labor Education. 1999-Present.