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Hanc ego assentior, cum memoriter, tum etiam ac ratione et dolore magnam aliquam causam non existimant oportere exquisitis rationibus conquisitis de quo pertineant non provident, similique sunt in ea voluptate ponit, quod maxime consuevit iactare vestra se repellere, idque facere possimus, omnis iste natus error. Si sine causa? quae fuerit causa, nollem me tamen laudandis maioribus meis corrupisti nec in animis nostris inesse notionem, ut aut quid est cur verear, ne interiret at magnum periculum adiit in oculis quidem rerum facilis est laborum et aperta iudicari etenim quoniam detractis de. Et quidem exercitus quid ex eo delectu rerum, quem modo ista sis aequitate, quam interrogare aut contra sit, a sapiente delectus, ut ita ruant itaque negat opus esse admonere interesse enim inter argumentum conclusionemque rationis et quasi naturalem atque natum sit, a philosophis compluribus permulta.

In quo ignorare vos arbitrer, honestatis.

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Jackson Bunch

Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology and Criminology


Social Sciences 331
Office Hours

Fall 2024

Tuesday, 2:30-3:30

Click here to schedule a meeting with me.




Curriculum Vitae
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Personal Summary

Dr. Jackson Bunch has been at the University of Montana since 2013. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia with a specialization in Crime, Law, and Deviance. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of victimization, a topic that he has explored from a variety of perspectives. His work examines the victim-offender overlap, the relationship between lifestyles and victimization, the causes of recurring victimization, and the emotional impact of victimization.  Recent reports of his research appear in Criminal Justice and Behavior, the Journal of Criminal Justice, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, and Crime and Delinquency.

Dr. Bunch is the Director of the Criminology Research Group in the Social Sciences Research Laboratory at the University of Montana.


Ph.D., Sociology, University of Georgia, 2013

M.A., Sociology, University of Georgia, 2008

B.A., Sociology, University of Southern Mississippi, 2005

Courses Taught

Fall 2024

SOCI 211: Introduction to Criminology






Research Interests

Victimization; Victim-Offender Overlap; Routine Activities; Recidivism


“Evaluation of the Calibrate Pretrial Diversion Program.” (PI), with Mark Heirigs (co-PI) and James Tuttle (co-PI).  Missoula County Attorney’s Office.  July 2023– June 2024. Amount awarded: $25,716.

“Factors Impacting Recidivism among Persons Under Supervision by U.S. Probation in Montana.” (PI), with Mark Heirigs (co-PI) and James Tuttle (co-PI).  United States Probation Office, District of Montana.  June 2021– May 2022. Amount awarded: $100,000.

“Comparing Montana Youth Detention Placements.” (PI), with Patrick McKay (co-PI).  Office of the Court Administrator for the Montana Supreme Court. June 2020 – February 2021. Amount awarded: $50,000.

“Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care (Phase 3).” (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-VF-GX-K016.  October 2018 – March 2021. University of Montana total: $675,000.

“Pilot Test of the Montana Juvenile Probation Screener.” (PI), with Patrick McKay (co-PI). Office of the Court Administrator for the Montana Supreme Court. July 2018 – July 2020. Amount awarded: $50,000.

“Vision 21: Victim Legal Assistance Networks (Phase 3).” (PI), with Dusten Hollist (co-PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Montana Legal Services Association. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-XV-BX-K011. August 2017 – August 2018. Total amount awarded: $500,000. University of Montana total: $100,000.

“Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care (Phase 2 – Part 2).” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-VF-GX-K016.  July 2016 – December 2017. Total amount awarded: $498,796. University of Montana total: $167,754.

“Montana Statewide Victimization Survey (Phase 3).” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014-BJ-CX-K002. September 2016 – August 2017. University of Montana total: $145,751.

“Women’s Risk Needs Assessment Instrument (WRNAI) Performance and Race/Ethnicity Impartiality Assessment.” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014-BJ-CX-K002. September 2016 – August 2017. Total amount awarded: $62,264. University of Montana total: $60,000.

“Vision 21: Victim Legal Assistance Networks (Phase 2).” (PI), with Dusten Hollist (co-PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Montana Legal Services Association. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-XV-BX-K011. August 2016 – August 2017. Total amount awarded: $348,791. University of Montana total: $86,036.

“Prenatal Substance Abuse and Related Breastfeeding Outcomes: An Exploration of How Hospital Policy and Staff Shape Infant Feeding Decisions.” (PI) with Amy Lommen (co-PI). University Small Grant.  University of Montana Research and Creativity Committee. May 2015 – August 2016. Amount awarded: $3,387.

“Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care (Phase 2 – Part 1).” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-VF-GX-K016.  January 2015 – June 2016. Total amount awarded: $425,000. University of Montana total: $153,342.

“Montana Statewide Victimization Survey (Phase 2).” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014-BJ-CX-K002. September 2015 – August 2016. Total amount awarded: $202,328. University of Montana total: $177,368.

“Cascade County Law Enforcement Juvenile Arrest Point of Contact Study.” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014-BJ-CX-K002. September 2015 – August 2016. University of Montana total: $58,018.

“Montana’s Back on Track (BOT) and Services Available to Youths Investigation.” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Office of the Court Administrator for the Montana Supreme Court. September 2016 – June 2017. Amount awarded: $50,000.

“Developing Best Practices for Mentoring Investigation.” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Office of the Court Administrator for the Montana Supreme Court.  December 2015 – June 2016. Amount awarded: $25,000.

“Foster and Group Home Care Investigation.” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Office of the Court Administrator for the Montana Supreme Court.  December 2015 – June 2016. Amount awarded: $25,000.

“Vision 21: Victim Legal Assistance Networks (Phase 1).” (PI), with Dusten Hollist (co-PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Montana Legal Services Association. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-XV-BX-K011. January 2015 – June 2016. Total amount awarded: $229,027. University of Montana total: $187,370.

“Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care (Phase 1).” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Office for Victims of Crime 2014-VF-GX-K016.  January 2015 – June 2016. Total amount awarded: $380,456. University of Montana total: $200,000.

“Montana Statewide Victimization Survey (Phase 1).” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014-BJ-CX-K002. September 2014 – August 2015. Total amount awarded: $133,920. University of Montana total: $126,881.

“Montana Statewide Survey of Jails.” (co-PI), with Dusten Hollist (PI). Collaborative grant with the Montana Board of Crime Control. Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014-BJ-CX-K002. September 2014 – August 2015. Total amount awarded: $53,598. University of Montana total: $48,314.

Field of Study



Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bunch, Jackson, Amaia Iratzoqui, and Stephen Watts. 2018. “Child Abuse, Self-Control, and Delinquency: A General Strain Perspective.”  Journal of Criminal Justice, 56, 20-28.

Clay-Warner, Jody, Jackson Bunch, and Jennifer McMahon-Howard. 2016. "Differential Vulnerability: Disentangling the Effects of State Dependence and Population Heterogeneity on Repeat Victimization.Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43(10), 1406-1429.

Bunch, Jackson, Jody Clay-Warner, and Man Kit-Lei. 2015. "Demographic Characteristics and Victimization Risk: Testing the Mediating Effects of Routine Activities." Crime and Delinquency, 61(9), 1181-1205.

James, Katie R., Jackson Bunch, and Jody Clay-Warner. 2015. “School Fairness and School Violence: Testing Predictions from General Strain Theory.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 13(2), 169-189.

Bunch, Jackson, Jody Clay-Warner, and Jennifer McMahon-Howard. 2014. "The Effects of Victimization on Routine Activities." Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41(5), 575-593.

Johnson, David, Linda Renzulli, Jackson Bunch, and Maria Paino. 2013. "Everyday Observations: Developing a Sociological Perspective through a Portfolio Term Project." Teaching Sociology, 41(3), 314-321.

Other Publications

Bunch, Jackson, Mark Heirigs, and James Tuttle. 2022. “Predictors of Success and Revocation: An Examination of Offenders under Federal Probation in the District of Montana.” Technical report drafted for the United States Probation Office, District of Montana.

Bunch, Jackson, Patrick McKay, and Jessica Mayrer. 2021. “Youth Placement Study.” Technical report drafted for the Office of the Court Administrator at Montana Supreme Court.

Bunch, Jackson, Jessica Mayrer, and Patrick McKay. 2020. “The Montana Experiences and Expressions Screener Validation Report.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Office for Victims of Crime.

McKay, Patrick, Dusten Hollist, Jackson Bunch, Jason Liechty, and Chuck Harris. 2019. “Pilot Test of the Montana Juvenile Probation Screener.” Technical report drafted the Office of the Court Administrator at Montana Supreme Court.

Bunch, Jackson, Dusten Hollist, Patrick McKay, and Peter Ore. 2017. “The 2016 Montana Bakken Region Transition Survey.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Bunch, Jackson, Patrick McKay, Peter Ore, Dusten Hollist, and Elliot Moore. 2017. “The 2015 Montana Crime Victimization Survey.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Bunch, Jackson, Dusten Hollist, Dustin Satterfield, Elliot Moore, Patrick McKay, and Chuck Harris. 2017. “Montana Victim Legal Assistance Network: Needs Assessment Report.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Office for Victims of Crime.

DeCunzo, Tessa, Dusten Hollist, Jackson Bunch, Patrick McKay, Chuck Harris, and Jessica Mayrer. 2016. “Cascade County Law Enforcement Juvenile Arrest Point of Contact Study.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

McKay, Patrick, Dusten Hollist, Jackson Bunch, Daniel Acton, Taylor Tillman, and Chuck Harris. 2015. “The Montana Back on Track Risk Assessment Instrument: An Assessment and Validation Study.” Technical report drafted the Office of the Court Administrator at Montana Supreme Court.

McKay, Patrick, Dusten Hollist, Gabriel Downey, Daniel Acton, Jackson Bunch, and Chuck Harris. 2015. “2014 Facility Administrators Survey of Adult Jails in Montana.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Hollist, Dusten, Gabriel Downey, Daniel Acton, Chuck Harris, Patrick McKay, Jackson Bunch, James Burfeind, and Daniel Doyle. 2014. “Cascade County Disproportionate Minority Contact Community and Strategic Planning Project: Arrest Point of Contact Study.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Hollist, Dusten, Gabriel Downey, Daniel Acton, Chuck Harris, Patrick McKay, Jackson Bunch, James Burfeind, and Daniel Doyle. 2014. “An Examination of Economic Analysis Approaches for Montana’s Seven Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Forces.” Technical report drafted for the Montana Board of Crime Control and the National Institute of Justice.

Bunch, Jackson and Jody Clay-Warner. 2009. “Fear of Crime.” pp. 94-96 in The Praeger Handbook of Victimology, edited by Janet Wilson. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.